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  • On Father's Day, Celebrate, CHALLENGE, and Encourage Dads

On Father's Day, Celebrate, CHALLENGE, and Encourage Dads

You can do so much with this holiday with the resources here, check them out!

On Father's Day, we naturally want to celebrate Dads and we should!

But we can also use this holiday to do more. Ephesians tells us to "make the most of our time," and on Father's Day, we also use it as a time to encourage the men in our church to grow spiritually and to connect with resources that will help them become the Father and the disciple Jesus wants them to be.

For FREE resources for Father’s Day including welcoming powerpoints, videos, connection cards, challenges, and all sorts of materials, go to: https://www.effectivechurchcom.com/templates/fathers-day-and-mens-ministry-templates/

For an eBook that is an overview of the strategies and resources that can help you do this, go to: https://ecclibrary.com/b/N4M9n

Overall ministry update—all materials on ECCLibary.com now FREE or PWYW

After numerous technical problems, renewal problems, my personal issues (detailed later), plus some very positive responses from the www.Bible805Academy.com where I did the same thing, I decided to make all the materials in the Effective Church Communications Library, FREE or PWYW (free or pay-what-you-want).

All previous subscriptions are supposed to be canceled and no one will be charged.

I can’t thank those of you enough who have subscribed in the past as this was launched. In the coming weeks, I’ll share more on future plans for it. 

Yvon Update (read only if you are into soap opera events)

Well, I definitely need your prayers for protection. I shared a bit ago the various health challenges of the start of the year, and the chaos of a total home redo (well not all of it….hadn’t discovered the bad plumbing install of a few years ago and need to tear out both bathroom drains, floor, bit of a disaster). But we were pressing ahead.

And then I got Covid. I’m starting to think I’m living in some really bad movie. After not getting it during the lock down, and being very conscientious about getting vaccines, boosters, still wearing a mask when in some group settings, etc., I was staying with my sister while the home redo is full of toxic chemicals and some dear college friends came to visit and stay with her from Georgia.

And they brought with them the new strain of Covid (that they unknowingly picked up somewhere on their travels) and lots of hugs later passed it on to us. Though it remains a rotten virus and I was back to spending most of the day in bed, it was kinda fun in an odd way as the four of us had to isolate together. Not the old friend reunion we would have planned, but the Lord does work all for good.

And then my heart (weak thing it is) did not react too well to Covid, which I guess is a common thing with pre-existing heart situations and that flattened me in rather scary ways for a time.

Things seem to have calmed down a bit and this week I’m out and about some and back to working on ministry on a limited basis—though I’ve had to give up online teaching for the foreseeable future.

Hence, I’m finally getting out this newsletter for Father’s Day resources.

Quite seriously, PLEASE pray for protection for me from this continual barrage of health issues and that the house redo not have any more disasters and get DONE.

I keep reciting the verse, “ But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. (Acts 20:24”) and I intend to keep doing all I feel the Lord wants me to do.

I have great plans for new materials for Effective Church Communications and my Bible805 ministry, but I feel like wack-a-mole is being played with my body and life—as soon as I get to feeling a bit better and stronger to stay up and work, I get pounded again. Yet, Lord willing, I’ll continue to get back up as much as I am able and continue to provide resources for you and church communicators everywhere.

Please though—do pray for me for strength and protection, wisdom and focus to do all the Lord wants me to do. Thank you for putting up with me.