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- Christmas Season Resources, templates, printables, lessons
Christmas Season Resources, templates, printables, lessons
Effective Church Communications and Bible805 have many resources for you for the upcoming Advent, Christmas and New Year and though my life is still in great turmoil after the sudden death of my husband (personal update at the end of this), I wanted to give you a list of them and links to them.
Lord willing I hope to get back to regular updates and new ministry postings early in 2025, though as to the exact date, there are no guarantees at this time.
Yet there are many, many things for you—the links follow on all—and ALL ARE TOTALLY FREE. If I messed up (and I do that a lot) and a description here or there has a charge on it, ignore that. ALL ARE FREE.
Please do pass on these links to others—many people have been accessing and downloading them from all around the world even though I’ve done nothing to advertise or market them and I trust that means they are useful. Check them out for yourselves!
Church Communications Resources
For FREE TEMPLATES for all sorts of things related to Christmas
GREAT PDFs of Sayings for Christmas and Other times to download, print and share
ESSENTIAL Christmas Communication advice and free tools to implement it
The Entire Church Communications Library of e-Books now ALL FREE
Videos (older, but useful) on many aspects of Church Communications
Bible Resources
To help you know, trust, apply, and teach the Bible at Advent, Christmas and any time
The main Bible-teaching site
***A free site of Bible Teaching Resources, videos for free downloads, editable PowerPoints, Notes, Questions, Bible infographics—accessed by teachers all over the world
Christmas lessons—how God prepared the world for Christmas
Read Your Bible in Chronological Order—plan ahead for next year
Bible805 YouTube Channel—all my lessons, plus Bible shorts
Personal Update, as brief as possible 12/1/2024
Since the Lord took my beloved husband and partner in ministry, business, and all of life to be with Him suddenly a little over three months ago by an unexpected massive heart attack, I’ve been working close to 24/7 to finish up the work projects we were in the middle of, working to finish the major remodel of our 50-year-old mobile home that had been totally torn apart, and working incredibly hard to keep up teaching our Bible class and ministry.
I admit, in addition to the necessity of doing these things, it has been a numbing mechanism as the pain was and continues to be beyond anything I could have previously imagined.
I am an extremely private person and don’t like to show emotions around others. I give hugs and truly care about others and interact but I share very little ever, never have what’s inside me and so in this time of grief, I soldier on. I grit my teeth to the point of pain whenever I walk into the church and my big guy isn’t beside me and there is no one to reach for my hand when we pray, when I go to Lowes for the things I need to finish the construction work on our home, or when I leave the grocery store and he isn’t in the car waiting for me as he always was.
And then by myself, the void of him sabotages me and I dissolve in tears and scream and cry.
But I press on. That’s all one can do.
Yes, I trust God, yes, He is a good God. Yes, I know He has His reasons and I pray that the offering of trust in this, feeble that it is, is enough. I know all the verses, all the promises. I believe them. And I wait for time to pass and the pain to diminish. It goes slowly, too slowly.
But life goes on and ministry does also and so I wanted to send this out, there is much that I trust is useful, even if now new.
Please do continue to pray for me. Your prayers have meant so much.
Please pray I get things DONE on my home and the business we had that supported us and the ministry wrapped up. All the work involved in these two massive undertakings is so hard, but there is no way around the immensity of this work, but through it.
I’m praying that I can sell our work projects for enough to live on until I can figure out how to make the ministry self-sustaining, please do pray for that.
On the home redoing that we waited for 20 years to do and had just started, I hope this week to get a functional bathroom, maybe the kitchen in a couple of weeks and then I can start moving back in to my home and office. I’m still living with my sister and going over each day to work as I can. So much, so many details, so much work, I can’t bore you with them, but the Lord knows and pray they just get done and behind me. I am very tired.
Most importantly, I want to get back to ministry and in that please most of all pray I can do the work the Lord has called me to do. I am excited about that and look forward to being able to focus on teaching and writing.
May the Lord give you joy and peace in this season and always,