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  • Back-to-school Backpack Ministries - motivation, resources, free images and handouts

Back-to-school Backpack Ministries - motivation, resources, free images and handouts

care for the those who need it the most at back-to-school time

Back-to-School is a time with great outreach potential for your church!

Backpack Ministry, where your church assembles and gives children backpacks filled with school supplies, now more than ever, is a greatly needed ministry. Children in homeless shelters, kids whose parents have lost their jobs, or whose jobs have been cut back, many of them face a sad and embarrassing time—to be forced to go to school without the required supplies their parents can't pay for and the schools don't provide.

To keep that from happening to any little child in your community, below are resources you can freely copy and use to motivate your congregation.

Included are bulletin inserts (you can adapt them for any social media), plus free PowerPoint and Instagram images.

Jesus said that when we care for the “least of these” he takes it very personally and this is a time when we can give generously to the children who need things the most.

Back-to-School Backpack Ministry, church communication resources to motivate your congregation

Additional Bulletin inserts, Designs and Flyers for Fall Back-Pack ministries:

My personal motivation for Backpack ministry—my memories and prayers about crayons and little kids in need

Instagram Images for Backpack Ministry to remind and motivate your congregation to give

PowerPoint Slides for Backpack Ministry to remind and motivate your congregation

The Entire Effective Church Communications Library is now FREE--please take advantage of it!

I decided to make the entire Effective Church Communications Library (www.ECCLibrary.com) FREE or PWYW (that means pay-what-you-want), but I truly do want people to download, read, and use the materials for FREE. My life's goal is to fulfill the calling the Lord gave me and a big part of that is to equip church communicators. There is a huge amount of material from my many years of successful working in church communications that is available for you on this site and I encourage you to take advantage of it. CLICK the image below to go to a preview of the ECC Library.